Powdered Activated Carbon
Carpenter Brothers, Inc. sells Cabot-Norit America, Inc. powdered activated carbon products. Our customers use powdered activated carbon to remove dioxin and furan gas created during the cooling of flue gases.
Powdered Activated Carbon is also effective in capturing mercury in flue gases.
Cabot-Norit is a world leader in activated carbon technology, with more than 150 types of activated carbons applied in purification processes in more than 70 countries. It has 85 years of continuous production and production plants in 6 countries.
Cabot-Norit Americas pioneered the use of powdered activated carbon technology in the North American market for mercury and dioxin emission control. Cabot-Norit powdered activated carbon injection system uses computer-controlled feeders, storage silos, and injection equipment. There are standardized units for trials and rentals. Custom units explicitly designed for an individual plant are also available.
Activated Carbon (Powdered and Granular) also has many applications in the Environmental Remediation sector. For example, powder-activated carbon absorbs volatile organic compounds and other impurities in vapor and water treatment to meet regulatory compliance goals.
Cabot-Norit also has mobile filter vessels for a wide range of absorption applications, including air/gas purification and water treatment. So give us a call to discuss your project today!